Beauty By Christina Isabella

Hi Everyone!


My name is Christina and I am recent graduate of Glam Academy. I just wanted to share with you a little bit about how Alexa absolutely changed my life.


I always had a love for make up and being glam but I didn’t know how to make it part of my life in a way that I could gain income. I actually went to college and graduated with a degree in Liberal Arts. When I graduated I started working a full time job. I was making good money but I was miserable. I knew that I couldn’t spend the rest of my life doing work that made me unhappy. I really looked inside myself and looked at what options I had in terms of doing something that made me happy but also gave me financial stability.

When I decided make up artistry was what I wanted to focus on, I researched all of the make up schools in my area and Glam Academy immediately stood out. I loved that it focused specifically on make up artistry and that it didn’t include hours of useless and boring information like a lot of the other schools I saw. What stood out to me the most was that it focused on me as my own brand and that it would give me the tools to create my own business and not work for some one else. When I decided to pursue make up as my career I thought that I would have to work at make up counter at a department store or a salon for years before I could ever branch out on my own. So when I saw that at Glam Academy, Alexa teaches you how to skip those steps and basically rocket launches you into independent success, I was amazed and knew that this was the school for me.

The transformation that I saw in myself throughout Glam Academy was amazing. I went from shaking trying to put winged eyeliner on to being able to put fake lashes on in a flash. Alexa taught me the fundamentals of make up so that I can now dissect and attack any look with confidence and ease. Not only did she teach me fundamentals but she took the time to go above and beyond and teach me how to create flawless make up so that when I work with photographers they see me as an asset because they have to do less editing in the end. This is something that definitely sets me apart from other make up artists in the industry. I also went from just having an idea of what to do for my success to fully having my own brand and business plan. She gave me the tools and steps that I needed to be completely independent and successful as a make up artist.


They say if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. That couldn’t be more true in my case. I absolutely love what I do and I never feel like I’m working but instead just living my dream. The hardest part about making your dream a reality is the first step and I am so happy and grateful that I took my first step with Alexa and her Glam Academy. (2191)

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