Peace, Love, World

If I said that googling myself wasn’t a past time I would be a liar!!  I am almost positive that nearly everyone has found themselves curled in front of the computer at some point in their lives, in oversized sweatpants, a ripped up t shirt, hair in messy oily bun, craming your mouth with some strange combination of chocolate marshmallows and pretzels putting the almighty quotations around your name inside your favorite search engine hoping that someone, somewhere, said your name.

In any event, on one of these signature evenings I found myself engaging in this all too familiar past time and came across a wonderful blog from Peace, Love, World — one of my favorite clothing lines!  They bring oversized fashionable comfort to a new level and of course are a staple in my closet of Glam!  PLW blogged about one of the shirts I wore in a recent Jerseylicious episode!

Well I connected with PLW and got a bunch of fabulous items that I wore for a bunch of recent press events!  Before The Glam Fairy premiere party hosted by Style at the Gansevort– the fairies and I made over some very special guests attending the swara and what is better Glam gear than a PLW sweat shirt!!

The next day before doing a satellite media tour I was literally HEAD TO TOE in PLW… from the fabu sweats that have PEACE down the leg, to the off the shoulder sweatshirt with PEACE across the chest– I literally felt like the one scene in Wayne’s World when Garth was head to toe in PEPSI gear but I couldn’t help myself!!! These are the most comfortable sweats on the planet!!

I found myself in this sweatshirt for a week… I felt like Linus with his blanket.  This is the ULTIMATE in loungewear.  Screw skin tight juicy pants that DONT make you look thin. They make you look chubby and like your on some strange conveyor belt that produces girls from the NE region. (juicy suit, uggs, baseball hat, and a vest over) SO over it.

You must get these comfy clothes IMMEDIATELY!!

#1 they are actually beyond comfy… fleece lined and super cozy.

#2 you don’t feel guilty wearing oversized sweats because they are so freaking cool– so you can go out and have REAL comfy sweats… not go out comfy sweats.  These are the sweats you don’t get out of when you get home and run for your pj pants– these are the sweats that you keep on for a week!

#3 If your over 25 like myself and don’t want JUICY across your ass however want a fashionable LARGER comfier option– then these are the ticket!!

Here are some pics of moi in my PLW gear!!!

Check out to get your own googling sweats now!!  Its the best hibernation gear I have ever come across.  And if the fire alarms go off and you run out of the house– you won’t have to be embarrassed about your sweats!

I love peace love world!!!

Thanks Angie!!


Glamster (7988)

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